Saturday, September 3, 2011

what i made today (thats right just today lol)

soo, i wanted to sew today. well normally i spread out all my stuff in the floor and then have to walk back and forth to Mike's work table in the kitchen. well.. not today!!! Mike was so sweet and got out his folding table and bought me new lights and and an extension cord and set me up a place to sew today. yes it looks like a mess.. but.. it was sooo helpful and i thought it was sweet.

well, since i had this great little sewing station set up, i decided to make the most of it!! i sewed like crazy today! well it started with the idea that i wanted to make a tote with lots of pockets on the inside. i love big purses but i hate that all my stuff gets lost in it. figured this would be the best solution ;)
so.. this is what i came up with:

then.. i just kinda went from there. i ended up making a new zipper pouch for the fabric cash envelopes i made last week. then mike wanted me to make some pot holder/handle things for his cast iron skillets. well i made those and had a little bit of the fabric left so i made a matching pot holder. random i know lol. then i made another zippy pouch to hold stuff in my new tote!

this is the new zipper pouch for the fabric cash envelopes

the top of the pic is the cash envelopes, the larger envelope didnt work exactly the way i wanted, hence the new zipper pouch above =)
mikes handles and pot holder

my zippy to hold something in my new tote

sooo.. do i really need all this stuff? probably not. but do i enjoy making it? YOU BET. it is ridiculously relaxing and also kinda gives me a sense of accomplishment! anywho, thats what i made today. now to prepare for tomorrow.. going to shoot!!! i'm such a crazy girl ;)

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